All my videos can be found on my youtube channel, and also on my facebook page.   I’ve had issues with Facebook Go Live so I’ve had to set up this page just for that part and I LOVE IT!

I’d love you to join me in the live videos so please do get on over to Facebook and follow THIS LINK so you can interact with me!

In the meantime, here are some for you to watch here.

Opening Our Hearts – this was a go live I did on facebook, click here for more like this!

This video addresses the issues that arise when we do not get the safety, love, and support in our childhood, and find it is sabotaging our present life. It includes a powerful and healing visualization

Fire those negative voices from your mind. Replace the thoughts in your mind – practical guidance and an exercise to help you get rid of negative voices in your head, and hire more positive, supporting ones.

Shifting Anxiety Into Something Positive. It is possible to reframe anxiety and turn it into excitement. The two feel the same in our bodies and this video takes you through how to do this!



Fire those negative voices from your mind. Replacing the thoughts in your mind – practical guidance and an exercise to help you get rid of negative voices in your head, and hire in  more positive, supporting ones.


This is a short video with several powerful tools to help you take care of yourself, especially if you are a “People-pleaser,” “rescuer,” or “care-giver.”


We teach people how to treat us by how we treat ourselves. We cannot let other people make us feel bad without giving them our permission. It’s easy to get frustrated with how other people in our life treat us and feel overwhelmed with feeling powerless to change it. However we find the way we talk to ourselves is always mirrored by those around us and if we want to change how people around us treat us, we have to change our own self talk. This video shows you how to do this safely and securely so you feel empowered. BE THE LIONESS!


How to quiet the mind, and clear mind chatter.


Healing self sabotaging behavior of putting yourself last on your priority list. Healing from childhood trauma.


Many of us use a compost box, to transform what we don’t want (banana peels, coffee, carrot peelings, etc.) to what we do want (flowers, trees, fruits and vegetables).We can do the same with our thoughts. Create a compost box in your mind, and release the negative thoughts to be composted into your dreams.


In this video I talk you through some useful exercises to move from focusing your energy on what you don’t want (usually based in fear) to what you DO want.


There is a huge breakthrough in our lives when we realise what we have control over and what we don’t.  Too many of us often spend more time focusing on things that we have no control over and tend to avoid what we do have control over. When we are able to let go of those things we have no control over, we are free to focus our energies on what we can focus on changing.


This video holds a powerful guided meditation to help you shift negative thoughts from your mind.  Negative thoughts randomly pop into our mind.  It’s part of the human condition. Some of the greatest minds have talked about this struggle i.e. Wayne Dyer, Mother Teresa, Oprah etc.


When we try and push, we tense up and create negative energy pushing back on us. When we trust and allow, we get into the flow and work with the energies to bring us what we want.


How to eliminate the negative voices in your head.


Never ask how… focus on the what and the why ALLOW Source to figure out the how. An Abundance Meditation – Visualize a large mountain lake, with many inlets flowing into it. This is your Abundance Lake… ALLOW health, happiness, finances, family, and career success to flow to you.